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December 21, 2001

Idea for

Funny that we've had a few posts about books and music today. I worked on this last night. It's kind of long, but please read it and comment if you have time. I'm going to keep this entry at the top of the page for a few days to make sure that it's available over the weekend and next week.

First, thanks to everyone for playing along on GerPunx.

I would really like to do something with gerpunx is fun and I don't want that to go away, but post-literate is a good name and we're all smart folks. I think we can do something cool. Here's what I'm thinking so far. Sort of a zine thing, like so many other sites, but it would be ours.

  1. Reviews

    Lots of reviews. Like, but not exactly. Potentially longer reviews, and not necessarily daily. We'd probably want to keep the number of categories small and reasonable at the beginning and then decide as we go forward how to grow it.

    I'm thinking music, film, print, and tv to start. Looking at medianugget, they also have a 'computer' category. Would you guys like that? What about a wildcard category?

    Everyone would do at least one or two reviews a month. Of anything. Out of print, vinyl, advertisements, whatever. Long, short, verbose. They don't even have to be "reviews" in the sense of "this is good/bad because of artistic merit/lack thereof". It could be just "Hey, I found this and it's cool."

    What about comments? My inclination would be no comments on reviews, but we could leave that up to each reviewer's discretion.

    If we all agree to link the reviewed item to Amazon (provided they sell it), we could use their Associates program to generate a few pennies either for charity or to help pay the server costs for

    For now, this would be the core of

  2. Personal blogs

    Anyone in the crew who wants one can have a blog on, once I get Movable Type set up. It'll support mulitple blogs and they don't take up much room. This would be another fairly simple piece to get going once with the current folks (if any of them are interested).

    I would be glad to help with some basic templates.

  3. Writing

    I can't decide whether this should be split up into two separate sections or not (Fiction and other). I think I'd want to start with just "writing" and have subsections for types (fiction, non-fiction, essay) like we would for the reviews.

  4. Photos/Art/Design

    I'm not sure about how to implement this one, but I'm kind of thinking some sort of "gallery" space, where a person can "hang" a new show, whether it's one picture/piece or dozens. Pictures, audio, Flash, Quicktime, whatever.

That's all I have for right now.

I can get 1 and 2 set up next week during the break. They're fairly simple. 3 and 4 will require some more discussion and may not be feasible for a few months.

All of my ideas would probably require adding people to the crew, so at some point we need to decide how we're going to do that. Nominations? Volunteers? Friends only? Group approval or if someone nominates a friend, they're allowed in? Minimum required contribution (so that if we have a slacker, we can boot him or her in favor of someone more productive) or just let the chips fall and if we need someone to pitch in, find someone and bring 'em in?

I don't want to have so many that we can't keep track of who's who, but I'd like to have enough that at any given time there would be something new on the site without having to resort to assignments and deadlines. That would make it not fun. Maybe 10 or 15 people?

If you're not interested in getting in on the planning/brainstorming, that's cool, too. I want this to be a group project, but if you don't have time or interest in the planning part, then keep posting to Gerpunx as you have time, and when we get the Post-Literate functioning, then you can join in there, too.

(Oh, yeah. We could make a little mascot and call him "p-litty". HA HA HA HA!" Thank you, thank you!)

posted by mccreath at 2:00 PM CST

Replies: 11 comments

i really like 1, with coments btw.
i already have #2.
#s 3 and 4 don't interest me as i hate BOTH the written word and the visual arts.

another idea:
give king a global positioning system and have a "where's king" map. i say king 'cause the rest of us hardly get up off our chairs, much less travel. i really just want a map with a flashing red light. it can be fake, just don't tell me it's fake. go make it now. scatter.

Posted by mike @ 12/21/2001 02:28 PM CST

Dave all these idears are great! I would also love a MP3 section, where we could post tunes for each other! DUDE that would rock!

As for adding friends, you know no-one is gonna say no to anyone's "nomination" so I say just let people in once they're invited. I think we need some girl-perspective. I think.

Posted by pgf @ 12/21/2001 02:41 PM CST

1 and 2, most definitely. 3 also good. 4, good, although I would not have much to submit, as I am not allowed near the scissors, and compulsively eat the crayons and paste when presented.
I want the "Where's King" book. King, wear a funny hat and hide amongst hordes of people in various places. Dave, take pictures of King hiding and post them. Chop chop, I'm in a hurry!!!

Posted by David J @ 12/21/2001 02:45 PM CST

I like the idea of an mp3 section, but we have to take bandwidth into consideration. I'm hosting a couple of other sites on this account (Katie's biz site and a family site for my family), and none of the three alone is going to be a hog, but I don't want one to tip the scales.

Let's keep that in the idea hopper, though. We could certainly make it possible to post excerpts for the reviews.

Posted by mccreath @ 12/21/2001 02:48 PM CST

I honestly don't know how much I can contribute, since I'm not much of a writer, but it would be fun to see blossom.

I really like this forum the way it is, but I would be happy to kick in a review or two a month to help get off the ground.

And the more the merrier - bring on the chicks.

Instead of "Where's King", can we just send our mascot P-Litty off to fun and exotic places?

Posted by king @ 12/21/2001 03:24 PM CST

Right, "Where in the World is P=Litty?"

[yikes we're really getting comfortable with P-Litty!]

One idea I love, at least in theory, is collaborative writing: whether fiction, poetry, whatever. have a page where each logger can add to the piece, with set "rules" on how it might end!

Another version of this of course is the so-called exquisite corpse, a la the dadaists, wherein they each contributed to the poem/piece, beginnng from a word/phrase/fragment at the end of the previous entry, but BLIND to all other previous contributions other than the fragment...

This as you can imagine results in sometimes terrible, sometimes fantastic texts.

Posted by p @ 12/21/2001 03:41 PM CST

Don't forget about P-Litty's psycho uncle, P. Gordon Litty! Bwah!

Okay. Cool. Everybody's enough into it for me to get started on it. We can hash out the details as we go. Keep on with the comments, fellers.

Posted by mccreath @ 12/21/2001 04:14 PM CST

i'm hooking up a small server soon at work. i got a partial t1 in here and one of the plans is to have an mp3 server hooked up to it. so once i do that we can grab and post mp3s to there without bandwidth being an issue, as long as its just our little group.

Posted by mike @ 12/21/2001 06:30 PM CST

Mike, that would rock! That'll be phase two. I'll get the pieces 1 and 2 from the list above put together next week, then sometime early next year we can look at some sort of mp3 sharing thing.

Posted by mccreath @ 12/21/2001 07:29 PM CST

Phase Three...TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! Bwaaa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.....

Posted by David J @ 12/24/2001 07:23 AM CST

wellll.... i'd be happy to kinda xpost from dylar when i get around to review-y kind of stuff, which i always mean to do more often than i actually do it. also, i think this would provide further encouragement for me to get to it, which is good.

not sure who besides us would ever care what we had to say review wise, not only because it would just be hard to make people care, but esp. cuz we're bound to ramble on about such a variety of stuff it'll be hard to make any kind of niche for it. no reason not to do it for our own mutual amusement, but just saying i think that we will continue to be our own best audience, right?

the only reason i bring it up is, that if we could figure out how to build some little bit of traffic maybe we could start getting promo records and concert tix and stuff from record labels, and books and junk from publishers... i think that would totally rock. there was an infamous zine guy in houston back in the day who got tons of booty from major labels for publishing his lame little 'wild dog' zine about 1.5x per year, and mailing it to all the label reps. not sure how the web has changed policy, but sure it has tightened up. also, not sure if anyone would have moral heebiejeebies about this, but if we could justify it, what the heck - i say. finally, not sure if anyone else thinks its appealing enough to even spend another shred of thought on.

mp3 section via mike's assistance sounds like a supercolossal idea. i have all kinds of stuff i'd like to share.

Posted by ttk @ 12/27/2001 04:44 PM CST

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