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Actively Promoting Other People's Bands Since 19__!

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on April 25, 2002


hey friends in Austin, did y'all know that Stars of the Lid had moved to Belgium?!

I did not.


Adam moved to Brussels while Brian moved to Chicago. I'm wildly jealous of Adam, blandly indifferent about Brian's new digs.

With them being 7 time zones apart, my grumbiling about driving all the way down south to Ben White for rehearsal seems pretty trivial in comparison.

Posted by: kong at April 25, 2002 11:18 AM

Figuring in Austin traffic, I don't see it as trivial at all, but more or less equal.

Posted by: Hoyt at April 25, 2002 12:16 PM

king, speaking of rehearsal; a few weeks ago when you responded to the KING IS BORED post, you mentioned some recording.

As a fan of your pop combo, might i ask, or inquire, as to the nature of these recordings? [wearing a halo] [and a tutu] [and nothing else]

Posted by: lang at April 25, 2002 03:08 PM

We were only mixing one song, "Sinister Crayon" which was the first song I ever recorded with the band. It's going to be a bonus track for the first 2 eps on cd.

Can I get a photo of you in a halo and tutu?

Posted by: kong at April 26, 2002 12:43 PM

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