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Cool Site

posted by Krayon Scribbel on April 4, 2002

KNOK2 (5k image) for them what remembers DFW radio...


I was just looking at the KNON section of the site...

George Gimarc, what a dorky name from the past. Oh my gawd!

Posted by: davel at April 4, 2002 09:27 AM

eeek. Now I can hear the theme song to his dorky show in my head..."Rock n Roll alternative ... Rock n Roll alternative..."

Aaaagh! I'm in highschool! Help!

Posted by: davel at April 4, 2002 09:46 AM

awesome man, thanks for finding this, sure i book- marked it!

hey dl, george still haunts the area, i see him at record stores and shows occaisionally, and every time i do i wanna kick him in the nuts. not because i hate him, but just because he needs it. y'dig?

Posted by: lang at April 4, 2002 10:00 AM

I understand completely. No hatred for the man, it's just that he makes me aware of my dorkyness. Dorky,dorky, dorky (my word for the day.)

Posted by: davel at April 4, 2002 10:09 AM

Dave L, you have that Godamn 'Rock and Roll Alternative..." jingle cemented in my skull for the rest of the day. I will share in your dorkdom (and pray that something shakes the jingle loose before too long...).

Posted by: Hoyt at April 4, 2002 11:21 AM

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