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posted by kobayashi on April 18, 2002

makes you wonder, huh? morons have jobs, and i'm unemployed.


first laff ive had all day, thanks tom! "We thought asians would LOVE this t-shirt!" classic.

"Also, we're coming out with a line of shirts with a jigaboo eating a watymelon that the coloreds are SURE to love!"

Posted by: lang at April 18, 2002 02:12 PM

Man, I just picked up the entire "Lazy Nigger" spring line from them, I can't wait to start wearing it!!!

Posted by: Hoyt at April 18, 2002 02:29 PM

"and this li'l feller we call Pedro. See, here he is stealing a tv set. These shirts will be a RIOT in the latiner commuity!"

Posted by: abercrumbie fitch at April 18, 2002 02:39 PM

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