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Mighty Mighty Pleasin'

posted by Krayon Scribbel on April 9, 2002

Pappy's corn squeezins.....


"We're still popping anywhere between two and four stills a year mostly in east and northeast Texas — older folks," he says. "I guess it's just sort of an old family tradition; they've been doing it so long they don't know how to quit."

Dave, is that your dad they're talking about?

Posted by: mccreath at April 9, 2002 01:22 PM

I have no ideer what yer talkin' about (hic).

Posted by: Hoyt at April 9, 2002 01:33 PM

gee. those older folks and their stills seem like a real potent threat to the common weal. good thing we're out popping them.


Posted by: ttk at April 10, 2002 08:25 AM

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