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New Literary Genius

posted by Krayon Scribbel on April 11, 2002

Gene Simmons Tongue Magazine

If you're looking for the interview mp3, read this:

CRAP! It appears that the mp3 got deleted in an unfortunate accident involving a command-line experiment. I think I still have a copy at home, but I won't be back there for couple of weeks. Please check back around the end of September.

Send an email to gene@post-literate.com, and he'll send you a note back telling you where to find the file.

Sorry for the hassle, but we get a lot of requests for this file, and it would eat up our bandwidth, which is why we don't just post it. That and Gene Simmons specifically refused to let Fresh Air post the interview on their site.

David McCreath, post-literate.com webmaster


he shoulda put Terri Gross on the cover.

Posted by: david l at April 11, 2002 10:45 AM

who's terri gross?

Posted by: who's terri gross? at April 11, 2002 11:24 AM

He shoulda put Terri Gross under the covers! Woo!

Posted by: mccreath at April 11, 2002 02:22 PM

So whom's Terri Gross, one of them rodeo clowns?

Posted by: lang at April 11, 2002 04:51 PM

thiss iss .............. freshair

Posted by: terri gross at April 11, 2002 09:16 PM

By the way, I have an MP3 of the whole interview if anybody hasn't had a chance to hear it. Gene declined to give permission for the posting of the audio or transcript on the Fresh Air web site, but Dean over at Textism had it posted for a while.

Let me know and I'll post it for a day so youse can download it, eh?

Posted by: mccreath at April 11, 2002 10:42 PM

any chance you still have a copy of the Gene Simmons vs. Terri Gross interview? Can't find it on the net at all.

Posted by: Thomas at October 9, 2002 01:41 PM

Yes, I still have it, Thomas. I'll email you and let you know where you can grab it.

Posted by: mccreath at October 9, 2002 09:39 PM

Oh, and imagine my embarassment to realize that it's "Terry", not "Terri". Don't know what I was thinking.

Posted by: mccreath at October 9, 2002 09:40 PM

Does anyone still have a transcript or mpg of the Fresh Air interview with Simmons?

Posted by: David at November 14, 2002 07:32 AM

can you email me the link to download that transcript? thanks,

Posted by: andrew at December 30, 2002 05:38 PM

do you still have the mp3 interview? the link that had been available on the net seems to no longer be active so if you can point me in the direction of where it might be downloaded - greatly appreciate it. the segment was rebroadcasted last night on fresh air (12/30) but i was unable to listen to hardly any of it or have the chance to tape it. thanks.

Posted by: jim at December 31, 2002 12:24 PM

Desperately looking for MP3 audio of Gene Simmon's interview with Terry Gross

Posted by: undertaker at December 31, 2002 12:24 PM

It looks like this link here is still working for those that want to here the interview.

Posted by: kong at December 31, 2002 03:33 PM

um, I meant "hear" the interview.

Posted by: king of not proofreading at December 31, 2002 03:36 PM

Is there anyone who still has an audio copy of the "Fresh Air "interview with Gene Simmons. I don't have an MP3 player so I can't DL it from the net. Is there any way to convert it and email it? I'd appreciate it if any one knows how to do this.

Posted by: James Geddings at January 5, 2003 11:15 PM

i am also looking for a copy of the gene and terry interview. if you've got any links and can help out that would be great.

Posted by: kellogg at January 31, 2003 10:58 PM

If you're looking for the interview mp3, read this:

Send an email to gene@post-literate.com, and he'll send you a note back telling you where to find the file.

Sorry for the hassle, but we get a lot of requests for this file, and it would eat up our bandwidth, which is why we don't just post it. That and Gene Simmons specifically refused to let Fresh Air post the interview on their site.

David McCreath, post-literate.com webmaster

Posted by: mccreath at January 31, 2003 11:52 PM

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