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Possibly the weirdest thing I've seen all year.

posted by McFrozen on April 8, 2002

little guy in tails and a skull mask

Sorry the picture is so grainy. I took it through my windshield from about 20 yards away while I was stopped at a red light.

Yesterday, I spotted this guy standing at a non-descript corner in Anchorage wearing a suit with tails, like a tuxedo from a high school drama department's costume closet. But that wasn't the weird part. He had on a big, goofy cloth skull mask and big, floppy skeleton-hand gloves. And he was jumping around and waving. Like it was Dia De Los Muertos or something. Crazy.

Anyway, the light was kind of a long one, maybe two minutes, and he stood there jumping and waving, and just as the light turned green. He gave one last wave and then walked away. Like he had finished his job. Maybe he had.


May God bless this brave man (or woman) for doing the IMPORTANT work of this world.

Carry on soldier, carry on!

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 08:49 AM

Dave was it one of The Residents? Was he lost?! Perhaps his frantic waiving was because he needed a ride back to San Francisco; AND YOU DIDN'T HELP THE RESIDENTS get back home!?

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 08:51 AM

and speaking of the Residents, let us now praise them and appreciate them mightily. Here is a quite good site https://www.residents.com/

Whose discography is more difficult to get a handle on, the residents or the fall?

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 10:31 AM

I figure if a Resident got all the way to Anchorage, he meant to be here and probably has a ride home.

Posted by: mccreath at April 8, 2002 10:55 AM

Isn't it about time the Residents did an album of Fall covers?

Posted by: davel at April 8, 2002 11:22 AM

If I could get him to come to my house and bust out a rendition of the Residents' "Istambul to Constantinople", I'd die a happy man!

Posted by: Hoyt at April 8, 2002 11:22 AM

ahhhh...Duck Stab. (content grin)

Posted by: davel at April 8, 2002 11:23 AM

davel: Brilliant!

Posted by: mccreath at April 8, 2002 11:33 AM

can y'all believe that neither the dalpublib nor the smu lib has any residents albums?! THE NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 11:50 AM

just start making interlibrary loan requests. its the MOST. also, get a texshare card if there are other libraries you want access to.

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 12:17 PM

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