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posted by Dick Septic on April 1, 2002

So i went down to the record store today to pick up a little somethin' somethin'. I got the new Patti Smith anthology 'Land' which I haven't heard yet. And I picked up the remastered Sandanista.

I'm now listening to Sandanista. How can you say it's bloated. It's an incredible record beginning to end. Give it a serious listen again. I'm having a very productive, happy working afternoon with it blasting through the studio.


Why Phil gotta be a Clash hayta?

Posted by: mccreath at April 1, 2002 11:43 PM

Hey, Mike. Does that anthology include her stuff with Scandal or is it just solo?

Posted by: mccreath at April 2, 2002 09:54 AM

If it's bloated Clash one wants, pick up Black Market Clash with all the "extra tracks" on it. Some are interesting, but by and large, they should have left the original record the hell alone (and that includes keeping the original song cuts as opposed to the new and "improved" ones) and kept the extra material in the vault from whence it came..

Posted by: Hoyt at April 2, 2002 10:27 AM

And this Clash (8k file) would have to be the worst Clash record. Period.

Posted by: Hoyt at April 2, 2002 10:33 AM

“Cut the Crap” was awful, especially the production. I think some of the songs could have been saved by a better producer. Maybe. It’s been a really long time since I listened to it, so I could be wrong.

As for “Black Market Clash”, I was just annoyed that they didn’t include “Armagideon Time” on the CD version. They put on “Justice Tonight/Kick it Over” (the dub version), but why not the non-dub version? It’s one of their best songs. Stupid CBS.

Posted by: mccreath at April 2, 2002 11:33 AM

dude i THINK the missing tracks you want are in that Clash on Broadway box, which has recently been remastered / reissued in a smaller box format.

Posted by: lang at April 2, 2002 01:34 PM

They are, and they need to be on the ORIGINAL. I refuse to buy additional CD's when record companies split up a record so that one must buy three CD's to get on complete record. DEVO's stuff is treated that way a lot as well; I succumb because I am an unashamed DEVO freak, but it bothers the crap outta me nonetheless. (Taking a deep breath, climbing off of indignant soap box)

Posted by: Hoyt at April 2, 2002 02:43 PM

hey dave. did you know i have some old boojie boy label singles and stiff stuff and other devo odds and ends?

Posted by: ttk at April 2, 2002 08:38 PM

Must have! Gimme!!! (drooling uncontrollably on keyboard)

Posted by: Hoyt at April 3, 2002 07:46 AM

yes Tom, and while you're boxing up those things tosend to DJ, remember to send me that Banana Splits record. That address again is:

Phil Flowers and Lorna Hicks

6108 Parkdale Drive

Dallas TX 75227


Posted by: lang at April 3, 2002 10:42 AM

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