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Some quick thoughts about Throbbing Gristle

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on April 16, 2002

tg.bmp (66k file)

I love them but forget about them, then come back to their records again and re-appreciate their humor- that's right- humor. Last week after a particularly gruelling jazz-class dedicated to jazz/rock/fusion, or as i call it, crap, I ran home and burned a live TG bootleg to cd. (Thee Psychic Sacrifice, opens with the very great "Weapons Training") I also finished the cd off by burnig Psychic TV 12" "Unclean" twice, once @ its "intended" 45rpm, then again @ 33rpm, for that extra f*'d-up murky sound.

So I got to thinkin, I've been enjoying the DalPubLib record collection so much, and they DON'T have any Throbbing Gristle in the collection, perhaps I should anonymously donate my vinyl copy of Heathen Earth, just so one day someone on a lark might look for it and find it!

SO, does anyone else have any EXTRA copies of TG or PTV they'd like to pitch in to the donation to DalPubLib? Or perhaps your own local libraries need them..

PS: Dave L, didn't you read and love WRECKERS OF CIVILIZATION? Is it worth the money and effort to find it? Just curious, thanks all!


i have no idea why that rather small graphic isnt showing...?

Posted by: lang at April 16, 2002 05:01 PM

If you are truly a fan of TG, than it is worth the read, and the cost. I'm not sure how hard it is to track down, I borrowed a copy from my friend Ferrara Brain Pan (yes, his real name.) I can ask him where he got his copy.

Posted by: davel at April 17, 2002 12:07 AM

the more i look at the reviews for WoC on amazon, the more i decide i need it, of course it's out of print, so it's going on my much vaunted WANTLIST. I wonder if a new edition will come out?

Who is this Ferrera Brain Pan and how can I meet him? What is he some kind of performance artist? or just a short order cook like the rest of us?

Posted by: lang at April 17, 2002 11:18 AM

no WoC here today, but hey.

try it?

Posted by: ttk at April 17, 2002 01:21 PM

tom thanks for checkin ebay for me; frankly i forget ebay exists and never check it. 'prec'ate it!

Posted by: lang at April 17, 2002 02:21 PM

Ferrara Brain Pan (his real name according to his i.d. card) is a grocery stocker with carpal tunnel syndrome, a beard, a healthy passion for noise (favorite album -- metal machine music), and an undying love for his cat(s).

Posted by: David L at April 17, 2002 09:11 PM

hey whaddup - ferrara BRAIN pan here - check dis shit...

(shameless self-promotion) i have this 'band', see? - 's called 'forms of things unknown' - jes' put out a see-dee - 's called 'cross purposes' (didn't find out 'til later that sabbath did a record with the same name (whatever) - you like TG/PTV, NWW/C93? - then maybe you wanna check it out - my website ain't up just yet but you can buy the cd (features a guest spot by none other than steven stapleton of NWW) at soleilmoon.com or middlepillar.com, or direct from me once i get the website up - go ahead and email me if you want more info

for the record, i picked up my copy of the TG book from a used seller on amazon.com

and on the subject of fascinating lit-ruh-churr (music-related), i highly recommend the new GP-O book 'painful but fabulous', and also 'england's hidden reverse' by david keenan (a study of coil, current 93 & nurse with wound)


Posted by: ferrara brain pan at August 7, 2003 11:21 AM

ferrara! glad you found us! see you at work.

Posted by: davel at August 7, 2003 12:19 PM

hey ferrara thanks for joining us! I look forward to your website and hearing your "music".

I loved Wreckers of Civilization and I didn't know Painful But Fabulous was out yet, I'll have to go looking for it! Did you get the TG 24 box set? It's very worship-ful. Also, are you planning to go see them next year?

Posted by: Lang Squal at August 7, 2003 12:21 PM

alas, i 'shahn't' be attending that festival next year to see TG and many other fine acts - funds are simply too scarce and i doubt that i could work a holiday into my busy 'shed-jewel' - as for the TG box, i can't think of ANYONE i would buy a 24-cd box of (except perhaps lamonte young) - i'd never find the time/patience/endurance to listen to it all - not to mention the price of it - though i did spend $260 on ebay for a copy of the stooges 'fun house sessions' 7-cd box (worth every penny, i might add)...

Posted by: ferrara brain pan at August 8, 2003 12:39 PM

Lamonte Young, what a lightweight! that fretless bass blues band cd is unlistenable! Yeah yeah yeah he and marion zazeela look good in fotos on their drone records, but zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by: lastname at August 8, 2003 04:25 PM

hey 'larry' - howzit?

(for the record, i considered changing my name to 'Last Name First' before settling on FBP as my designated nom de fromage)

dis'sing lamonte young by bringing up his most 'conventional' recording is a bit shortsighted, imho - i suggest you go back and listen to "The Symmetries in Prime Time from 288 to 224 with 279, 261 and 2 X 119 with One of The Inclusory Optional Bases: 7; 8; 14:8; 18:14:8; 18:16:14; 18:16:14:8; 9:7:4; or The Empty Base (1991-present), including The Symmetries in Prime Time When Centered above and below The Lowest Term Primes in The Range 288 to 224 with The Addition of 279 and 261 in Which The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped above and Including 288 Consists of The Powers of 2 Multiplied by The Primes within The Ranges of 144 to 128, 72 to 64 and 36 to 32 Which Are Symmetrical to Those Primes in Lowest Terms in The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped below and Including 224 within The Ranges 126 to 112, 63 to 56 and 31.5 to 28 with The Addition of 119 and with One of The Inclusory Optional Bases: 7; 8; 14:8; 18:14:8; 18:16:14; 18:16:14:8; 9:7:4" one more time (ALL THE WAY THROUGH) before dismissing the Greatest Living Composer as a 'lightweight'

(if you have trouble staying awake i'd suggest you eat a couple buttons while you're at it)...

Posted by: ferrara brain pan at August 9, 2003 03:41 PM

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