Some quick thoughts about Throbbing Gristle
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on April 16, 2002
I love them but forget about them, then come back to their records again and re-appreciate their humor- that's right- humor. Last week after a particularly gruelling jazz-class dedicated to jazz/rock/fusion, or as i call it, crap, I ran home and burned a live TG bootleg to cd. (Thee Psychic Sacrifice, opens with the very great "Weapons Training") I also finished the cd off by burnig Psychic TV 12" "Unclean" twice, once @ its "intended" 45rpm, then again @ 33rpm, for that extra f*'d-up murky sound.
So I got to thinkin, I've been enjoying the DalPubLib record collection so much, and they DON'T have any Throbbing Gristle in the collection, perhaps I should anonymously donate my vinyl copy of Heathen Earth, just so one day someone on a lark might look for it and find it!
SO, does anyone else have any EXTRA copies of TG or PTV they'd like to pitch in to the donation to DalPubLib? Or perhaps your own local libraries need them..
PS: Dave L, didn't you read and love WRECKERS OF CIVILIZATION? Is it worth the money and effort to find it? Just curious, thanks all!
i have no idea why that rather small graphic isnt showing...?
Posted by: lang at April 16, 2002 05:01 PM