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What's Missing

posted by Krayon Scribbel on April 8, 2002

From this site, and our lives, is the beauty that only gold teeth can provide.


dude i think you're right. i was thinking maybe a class ring, or even a couple of tattoos, but gold teeth may be the answer, that thing that will completely turn my life in a positive direction! thanks DJ!

Posted by: lang at April 8, 2002 10:06 AM

The pictures of the gold teeth are too cool, but what gives them that special extra zip is the creepy little pervert moustache on the model.

Posted by: mccreath at April 8, 2002 10:13 AM

There is a store on Geary/Fillmore in SF called Mr.Bling Bling's Gold Teeth that I've been trying to work up the courage to walk into. Mike, wanna bring Henry?

Posted by: davel at April 8, 2002 11:26 AM

The 1 i frisco fillmore is cheap but they dont have as much styles as the 1 in Haywrad.But filllmore is the besat place to get ur gold teeth cheap.

Posted by: levin at January 19, 2003 04:28 PM

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