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posted by Krayon Scribbel on May 21, 2002

From The Nooge, with love, to Ozzy


Ted gives me a warm fuzzy.

Posted by: mccreath at May 21, 2002 10:33 PM

a warm fuzzy bowel movement?

Ok I don't HATE Ted Nugent; all the bibles and religions in the world prevent me from and disallow me to hate him. But I do LOATHE him. I saw him open for Kiss about 2 years ago, and he was particularly vile- wearing an native indian headdress onstage after goading the crowd with his fascistic messages of clearing the country of any one who does not speak english. That's the level of his intellect. Ultimately my response to his set was that he only whips out the fascism because HE DOESN'T ROCK, and he needs something to make the crowd feel like something happened when Ted Nugent was onstage. He was very lame, the songs were limp and tired, the sound sucked, but the hate was in full force.

I think Ozzy was right on the money to respond by saying that Ted is just jealous. I suspect in his feeble mentator Ted was trying to cast some MTV-networking light on himself- in his abundant ego- with the hope that The Nugents would be a summer replacement series.

But this doesn't even address how completely moronic was Ted's own assessment of The Osbournes show; he clearly is just too stupid and simple to understand even an iota of the charm of the show, the family, and the MANY reasons people might watch.

What I propose is NOT a campaign to kill Ted Nugent with a highpowered rifle or even his own beloved bow-&-arrow. Rather, I suggest a highly irresponsible and mean spirited campaign to SUGGEST and PLAY WITH THE IDEA of hunting Ted Nugent- in the very manner with which he gleefully encourages hunting and killing wildlife. We could manipulate text and images from his own website to enhance the presentation, etc:

https://www.tnugent.com/pdf_application/membershipdrive.shtml It could be fun, and something to do while we're waiting for Henry Kissinger's Nobel Peace Prize to be rescinded.

Do I really want Ted Nugent to be hunted down like common game and shot between the eyes while he wimpers and pisses in his pants, and then be butchered and strung up on the fence? NO, of course not! Do I want to PRETEND that I do? Sure!

PS: I've turned my workstation into a gay bar, AND I'M LOVING IT! https://www.clickandgroove.com/index3.html

Posted by: lang at May 22, 2002 09:55 AM

or maybe not even anything hgh that well defined - just, to hgh start behaving in
a different buy soma way. I would like to walk up somalogy to all these strangers and cheap soma offer to switch headphone jacks online soma for a minute or two, the idea buy soma online being that each of us would soma suddenly know a lot more about phentermine the other past what they look soma

[Adminstrative note: I killed the links and blocked the IP address of this comment but left the content intact so kong's message would retain some context.]

Posted by: soma at October 25, 2003 07:42 AM

In a weird way I kind of like the cut-up approach of blog spam. The above post makes no sense, yet almost reads like Burroughs.

Anyway, I've never seen blog spam until this site was hit a couple of weeks ago. I guess it's now a widespread thing, the bastards.

Maybe this blog spam database: https://www.markcarey.com/spamdb/ might be of some use to our fearless administrator?

Posted by: kong at October 25, 2003 12:20 PM

Yeah, I've been thinking about how to deal with it. We don't suffer nearly as much as I would have thought, given our often bizarrely high rankings in Google for certain things. There are a few plug-ins that have been written for Moveable Type and some other community-based efforts, as well (like the one you mention, kong). There are also some fairly basic steps that I can take on this form to keep it down, but I haven't put the time into it yet. I've been cross-stitching!

Posted by: mccreath at October 26, 2003 12:52 PM

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