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Stone Pimple Toilets

posted by McFrozen on May 6, 2002

This weekend I watched a "Headbanger's Ball" retrospective on MTV, and there was this one scene with Ricky Rachtman interviewing Gibby and Paul.

As they're winding it up, Rachtman has to throw to a Stone Temple Pilot's video and says something along the lines of "Coming up, Stone Temple Pilots ... " at which point Gibby interrupts him and says, "Hey, who does that band remind you of?" Rachtman responds, "Who don't they remind me of?" All three have a good chuckle, and they go to the video.

Apparently Scott Weiland got his nose way out of joint and was telling MTV that STP were going to pull out of some big concerts that MTV was sponsoring and generally not taking the joke very well. Rachtman eventually had to apologize (I think on the air), and then everything was okay.

So, King, do you remember this? I remember you telling me a story about playing some show with STP right when they were getting really popular and Weiland overheard Gibby refer to them as the "Stone Pimple Toilets" and got all upset because the Buttholes were idols of his and now his feelings were all hurt. Did these two things happen around the same time?


no way ricky rachtmann said anything that funny unscripted. last i saw him he was doing wrestling commentary for wcw at the same time bob mould was writing for them.

which reminds me; i'm doing another latch hook rug. of The Rock.

Posted by: dick at May 6, 2002 08:57 PM

Excellent, Mike. Will he be wresting Michael Jackson? Hey, Henry oughta be old enough to latch hook by now ...

Posted by: mccreath at May 6, 2002 10:34 PM

damn it, David, I missed the STP vs. Gibby, Paul and Rikki (!) on Headbangers Ball Revisted- I missed it back in the day too. I think that happened after the tour, but I'm kind of foggy on it.

To say that Weiland was hurt because "the Buttholes were idols of his" I think is inaccurate. I really don't think he had ever owned a Butthole Surfers record. I just think that he was embarrased that his band was a flimsy xerox of a "grunge" band and that the "co-headline" band he was touring with was mocking him, and that it was a "heritage" punk band at that (I swear to Buddha marketing executives have used that phrase around us).

It was troublesome to STP, for they claimed in their press release that they met at a Black Flag concert, and they, musically speaking, we just an update of hardcore. However Mike Watt (when fIREHOSE was part of the "package") was passing around a flyer of Scott Weiland from Black Flag times and he was dressed in very Spandau Ballet-esque clothing. Puffy clothes,etc. That didn't help STP's attitude. they repeatedly threatened to leave the "package".

And really they should have bailed. I mean they were already a platinum band. They really didn't need clowns like us mucking with their success.

Of course they had the last laugh by going mega platinum for several records, but for awhile they were really pissed at Gibby.

Posted by: kong at May 6, 2002 11:05 PM

How 'bout a latch hook of Gibby wrestling Michael Jackson?

Posted by: Hoyt at May 7, 2002 08:23 AM

i'll need some nude shots.

Posted by: dick at May 7, 2002 09:42 AM

I guess I superimposed the "idol" bit on top of the story. The Gibby/Paul segment was only seconds long, and they didn't even mention Gibby or Paul or the Butts by name. The whole point of the bit was that it was the only time that Rachtman insulted a band and had it blow up on him.

I have a hunch MTV will be playing it again. The bit is in the second half of the show, right after an ad break.

I like the idea that STP is an "just an update of hardcore". And God bless Mike Watt.

Posted by: mccreath at May 7, 2002 11:26 AM

all props to watt.

Posted by: dick at May 7, 2002 12:20 PM

Buddha marketing executives?

Posted by: lang at May 9, 2002 08:29 AM

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