The Challenge
posted by Krayon Scribbel on May 30, 2002
So, the CIO of the FoodHole is making us go through this management survey, followed by several meetings, followed by more meetings.
I've hit the snap point; I can't with any bit of soul I have left do this with any sense af accuracy or attentiveness, and I refuse to add to the "static picture of a dynamic process will solve all" rationale. My goal then, is to have them ask me to step down because of my answers and work ethic. Wish me luck, fellers! If all goes well, I'll have 2 months of paid time to land a new job (and who the hell knows, maybe finally convince my wife that we need to move the hell out of Austin).
Shut it down, DJ!
Posted by: mccreath at May 30, 2002 02:11 PM