today at work
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on May 1, 2002
the office is filling up with dumb-ass jock frat boys who are here for a judicial hearing;
regarding a drunken fight they got into when they broke some white rapper's jaw. also all their parents and lawyers are here. it's a whole mess of I D I O T S.
Here's the equation: smart parents may have dumb kids OR smart kids, but dumb parents ALMOST ALWAYS have dumb kids, and hire redneck lawyers who kiss everybody's ass until they figure out whose ass they DON'T need to kiss, then they treat those people like dirt.
Meanwhile I'm listening to test department and others on spinner:industrial and drinking a pepsi, trying to larf. **c* them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"the office is filling up with dumb-ass jock frat boys" All you needed to say. I bet we could have guessed the rest of the story in three. You have my deepest sympathies, no one should ever have to tolerate their ilk.
Posted by: Hoyt at May 1, 2002 02:22 PM