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June 28, 2002

hey slapnuts,

the picture to the top left there still says dee dee in the alt text. how come you're so damn sloppy?

Posted by Mike at 05:26 PM | Comments (2)

Attention David McCreath, Master of the Weblog

Here's an idear, what do you (and everyone else) say about it? :

Let's say I have another comment for a post that has gone past its front page date, like in a few weeks from now i wanna add another ferrett-sympathy card, say something insightful about aesthetic meat front, or I have some new hilarious comment to make about Dave L's illfated trip to Alaskirt. But those pages are no longer showing, and a] i would have to do a keyword search, and b] no-one else would know that the pearl of wisdumb had been added.

My idea is- not knowing what is possible and what isn't- what if the front page had a link/button/popup that said something like THIS OLD PAGE HAS A NEW ENTRY, or A GENIUS HAS RE-VISITED THIS OLD TOPIC, or some such thing. Is such a thing possile?

Is such a thing even desirable, or do you all think that once a post has left the front page, it's old dead boring ancient history?

Posted by Lang Squal at 12:23 PM | Comments (4)

Hey Dave McFrozens

We (Meghan and I) are thinking of taking a vacation to Alaska some time next year. Ideally, we would like to avoid airplane travel as much as possible, and we love trains. Do you have any advice on good (cheap) travel packages? I think it would be fun to Amtrak to Seattle, spend some time there, and then train to Alaska. Should we take one of them Canadian trains, or do you Alaskans have a way of getting from the greater 48 to your frozen heaven? Maybe you could drive down to SF and pick us up? Do you have a sleeper room in your car?

Posted by David L at 11:23 AM | Comments (4)

Happy Birthday King, from all your fun~loving friends!

Posted by Lang Squal at 09:18 AM | Comments (4)

John Entwistle, RIP

Damn it. Again.

I don't really mean to turn this into a "Who's died this week?" site, but geez.

Posted by mccreath at 12:37 AM | Comments (3)

June 27, 2002

One Nation Underdog

One_Nation_Underdog (166k image)

Phil and I were discussing the virtues of Underdog just now,

and both agree that Underdog was the one of the coolest cartoons ever. Two other issues sprung up from this most intelligent diatribe: One, Underdog cartoons (if you can find them) no longer have him pop a pill from his ring to become Underdog. Anyone else ever notice that? Two: When will King post the Buttholes' "Underdog" video on BHS.com?

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 03:12 PM | Comments (4)


has anyone seen Minority Report? Any reviews? Does it live up to the Philip K Dick it purports to be based on? Or is it typical Spielburg/tomcruise schmaltz?

will my daddy like it?

Posted by Lang Squal at 11:46 AM | Comments (2)

You can never get into the mind of a giraffe

Strange but true ... - smh.com.au

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 10:11 AM | Comments (1)

June 26, 2002

Get ready

here comes some seriously long winded national debate:

Pledge Unconstitutional

Posted by Lang Squal at 03:54 PM | Comments (2)

More sympathy-for-loss-of-ferrets-cards can be

ferretgrief (35k image)

More sympathy-for-loss-of-ferrets-cards can be found here

Posted by Lang Squal at 09:12 AM | Comments (15)

June 25, 2002

Ger Punx Road Trip

Hank Williams Museum  Montgomery, Al.

I say we get a Caddy limo, a bunch o' liquor, and make that birthday celebration! Who's with me?!?!

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 02:32 PM | Comments (1)

A Decent Band

I can't find any mp3's or web links about them, but if Blues Condition happen to pass through your town, GO SEE THEM.

They were the second band right after us; appearing like three lost hipster kids... Until they plugged in. Loud as hell, amazing drummer and guitar/vocalist, a cross between Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and the good parts of Jimi Hendrix. And personally, I am always in awe of any drummer that can smoke while playing, especially during songs that fast and that long. Damn this stupid internet for not having any mp3s! Damn it to hell!!!

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled, them is a damn fine 3 piece package of punkesque noise.

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 01:26 PM | Comments (3)

June 24, 2002

you all suck.

you all suck.

Posted by Mike at 06:21 PM | Comments (13)

June 22, 2002

record of the latter half of this week

khia (12k image)

Khia: Thug Misses

Her catchy single "My Neck, My Back" is gettign some airplay, as is the video, but what you may not know is

the album version of this is filthy! Nasty! Raunchy!

"ladies pop your pussy like this!... My neck, my back, my pussy AND my crack! Niggas lick this pussy like this" etc

a friend lent us this cd (actually may have given it to us, not sure) because it was so raunch it caused said friend to clutch the pearls! Meanwhile Lorna and I have been playing it, singing/humming it mindlessly; very funny!

anyway go here for a link to the video for the "clean" version

Posted by Lang Squal at 01:11 PM | Comments (0)

June 21, 2002


what the hell are you doing over there. gone for a while was okay. but this isn't. you owe it to your fans, dude.

Posted by tom at 07:56 PM | Comments (5)

Ridicule is nothing to be scared of

Pirate gear is out, but apparently the new look for Adam Ant is to dress like Richard Dreyfuss.

Posted by King at 04:06 PM | Comments (9)

get ready to hate me

there's no excuse for me posting this. i apologize in advance.

Posted by Mike at 12:47 PM | Comments (3)

Hey book-readers!

Who has read this book: Maldoror & the Complete Works of the Comte De Lautreamont?

who has read these books: 1] Fantazius Mallare: A Mysterious Oath & 2] The Kingdom of Evil: A Continuation of the Journal of Fantazius Mallare, by Ben Hecht ?

Mallare info

ps: Who likes The Carpenters as much as I do?!

Posted by Lang Squal at 12:15 PM | Comments (3)

June 20, 2002

Steven's got a new gig

Steven's new gig

Posted by mccreath at 08:39 PM | Comments (1)

1 more post & im done for the wk (i think)


this article by robt wilonsky introduced me to a site which seems really cool. yall may get his columns in your local papers also, this is the second of his in two weeks where he gushes his love for eminem (?!) whatever dude, just go give him a bj and get it over with!

anyway, the site he discusses, https://www.base58.com/booms/ , is a great file pile type site with a bunch of remixes, collages, cutups, mashes, whatevers, of songs on top of other songs.

the beach boys wouldn't it be nice on top of spacemen 3 is worth visiting the site!

Posted by Lang Squal at 12:48 PM | Comments (1)

Record of My Week!

jerusalem (13k image)

Sleep was an early band of the High of Fire guitarist. They made 3 records, the last one, Jerusalem, released only after they had disbanned.

Jerusalem consists of one track, at 52 minutes, a primal, repetative stoner riff that very nearly burns marijuana smoke out of your cd player as it plays; thunderous, neolithic, awesome.

My pal John found it used, we drove around listening to it last night, laughing at the magnitude of it, looking at suburbs while hearing this apocalyptic bong-rock.

the whole story of the band and this controversal recording is here:


Posted by Lang Squal at 10:23 AM | Comments (3)

June 19, 2002

Hey Phil,

Why are we the only one's posting here anymore?

Posted by Mike at 03:28 PM | Comments (3)

I just had lunch with DJ @ snuffers,

and I'm happy to report he hasn't changed a bit:

he's still the waifish, conservative, rock-music eschewing, normal christian man we all know and love. and he drives a lovely bright yellow SUV!

Posted by Lang Squal at 01:36 PM | Comments (4)

June 18, 2002

look what they did to my kid

I don't think i've ever seen his hair combed before. At least he's wearing his li'l jr. doc martins.

Posted by Mike at 07:29 PM | Comments (3)


Henry's got a new favorite CD. It's They Might Be Giants for kids. Yes, that's redundant. But it comes with interactive flash animations to go with each song that he really enjoyed. There are samples on the kid's site.

Posted by Mike at 02:55 PM | Comments (1)

June 17, 2002

Congratulations Denise and Charlie!

I'd like to extend my good wishes, on behalf of all the old men here, to the new couple!

Denise and Charlie

...now, let the pool begin.

I'll say it lasts 3 weeks, and she comes home to find a hooker face-down in the pool and Charlie with his nose buried in half a kilo. $20.

Posted by Mike at 04:25 PM | Comments (12)


sure Poe is rolling around in his grave at the notion of the merchandise created inhis likeness, but I'm a sucker for it!

Specifically, I love the pewter keychain ($4.95)which quotes Edgar: "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity" and the "Soft sculpture cloth doll represents a mustached,elegantly dressed Poe with a Raven perched on his shoulder, a black cat at his feet and a quill pen, his favored writing implement, in his hand." ($15)

also, check out the many death-myths surrounding the poor fellow! https://www.poemuseum.org/poes_life/death_myths.html I knew the rabies theory had kicked up some dust a few years ago, but never knew about all these others.

in closing, if yall ever see the dbl cd Closed on Account of Rabies, grab it! It's worth the cost for three things: Christopher Walken reading the Raven, Iggy Pop doing The Telltale Heart, and Diamanda Galas reading The Black Cat. Fantastic!


PS: Good Monday morning all! Have some coffee!

Posted by Lang Squal at 09:27 AM | Comments (3)

June 15, 2002

a few random thoughts from a scrambled brayne

me n canadian went to see local thunder-rockers Dixie Witch and touring onslaught High on Fire last night. DW were great, the middle band Mastadon were real lame, and HoF were fucking brutal (that's meant in a good way)!

High on Fire set fuc*ed with my brain cells, i literally had to walk around and get some fresh deep-ellum air to regain consciousness! I had lost all sense of time, plus i think the bass maked my heart beat skreww all up. Again, that's meant in a good way.

https://www.dixiewitch.net/ https://www.highonfire.com/cd.html

In closing, here is a link for a band ATHIEST MEAT FRONT, one of these extreme-goth, Crowley-influenced ritual-slash-live-body-modification bands. Their schtick is that they throw meat, bones, carcasses, blood, and other viscera around during their show, burn and fry these carcaii, consume it all, and plus they have topless chicks covered in blood. Tell your friends. Though I'll admit they do raise the level of what is acceptable and/or shocking during a live performance- and for that i begrudgingly give them credit- i cain't say as im all that interested in seeing any of that live. Am I wrong to think thhat I don't need to hang by meathooks and smear guts over my face to know that I'm alive? Anyway, apparently their cd also consists of the sounds of animal carcasses being torn, fried, burned, bleeded, etc. I can deal with the record; in fact that's JUST the kind of thing i'd enjoy playing up here at smu while frat boys are running around whining about their Go$d-given right to drink beer.

Drink UP! https://www.amf.addr.com/front.html

Posted by Lang Squal at 03:02 PM | Comments (6)

June 14, 2002

Hey, Phil!

Tomorrow night is our 20 year high school reunion. Are ya goin'? Apparently there's also some kind of get-together at Joe T. Garcia's tonight.

Posted by mccreath at 02:59 PM | Comments (10)

June 13, 2002

Take a knee

Joey, DeeDee, and now...

Posted by David L at 03:58 PM | Comments (2)

I'm in a foul mood




bring it on

Posted by Lang Squal at 02:19 PM | Comments (12)

A Pretty Picture

From Dean Studeny.

Picture of a cross-walk button with the word 'PIE' scratched into it.

He emailed me, says hello to all, and for us all to shut up. He also said you don't really get pie if you push the pretty button.

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 08:38 AM | Comments (6)

June 12, 2002


Seeing Dave posters pasted on walls around the Mission always cheers me up.

Posted by Mike at 01:50 PM | Comments (4)

Who Knew?

All Superheroes get their power from Hostess Twinkies!

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 08:56 AM | Comments (1)

June 11, 2002

Dead Record Label

Reanimator Records is going bust, and I have a chance to get some CD's, LP's, etc. from them for nada.

My friend Ted's brother worked with the label, and wants Ted to give the shit away, so if anything on their site appeals to you, let me know, and I can probably get it for you for nuttin. CEO Mackey is always more than happy to pay for any shipping, as well.

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 03:15 PM | Comments (3)

Got ein Himmel!

my_goth_aches.bmp (211k file)

Please please PLEASE visit this site when you have some time,


and go to the foto-gallery, and enjoy some great pics of many german goths having a great time, enjoying fun in the sun, living it up, loving the good life!

So much make-up! SO much hair-spray!

"Ja, I made out vit dis purson lascht night, und I'm schtill not schur if it vass a gurl or a boye!"

Posted by Lang Squal at 12:49 PM | Comments (1)

Record of the Week!

humptycover (10k image)

King I don't wanna make you blush with embarrasment like a li'l school girl, but the spotlite is on you today because the new rarities record rocks! So many great moments, plus Gibby's artwork is very cool. Anyway it's awesome!

ps King: Are you still a fan of Camille Paglia? What was that column she used to do online, does she still do it? Which university does she teach? Just curious, haven't heard much about her recently.

Posted by Lang Squal at 09:46 AM | Comments (6)

June 10, 2002

H & C

hunters and collectors

re: Hunters and Collectors:

my interest in Hunters and Collectors is really confined to this, their first lp. It's really a pretty good record; surrealistic lyrical collage over some thinky art-funk rhythms and a slow-burn climax. I also have their 3rd record Jaws of Life which is ok but definately the beginning of their "savious of pub-rock" sensibility, which i have little interest in. Their second record, The Fireman's Curse, is variously described as "anarchic" & "chaotic", but this fansite doesn't provide the mp3s it claims to offer. (https://www.humanfrailty.com)

I saw H&C in Dallas in about 1985? and they did nothing from the weird period, in fact i barely remember any musical moment at all. Oh well, at least they became huge in Australia. It does seem that with collection cds that i can probably find in the cheapie bins i can reconstruct the whole first record, and possibly earlier eps, if they're any good.

Here ends the worthless, monday morning pre-caffinated musings about a forgotten pop group. Does anyone have anything to offer regarding Hunters and Collectors? If not, I bid you all adieau!

Next week: Theatre of Hate

Posted by Lang Squal at 09:30 AM | Comments (1)

June 09, 2002

Car #2 in the GerPunx Stable

Le Car du Monstre

Posted by mccreath at 11:25 PM | Comments (3)

June 08, 2002

Hello Everyone!

arm_raised (94k image)

Posted by Lang Squal at 02:34 PM | Comments (3)

June 07, 2002

Mindless Entertainment

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 03:37 PM | Comments (2)

If You're In Austin Next Saturday...

Keg Vultures! We've got an actual live gig (albeit sort of Keg Vultures + puppet showesque) next Saturday (the 15th). We go on around 8, 8:30, come on by if'n ya can! Small venue, don't really know much about the place, but it should be fun.

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 01:34 PM | Comments (9)

June 06, 2002

Dee Dee

This is so sad.

Dee Dee Ramone Found Dead In Los Angeles

Posted by King at 02:11 PM | Comments (6)

Duct Tape Fashion

Yo Hoyt, look you too can be one of them fancy ass fashion deesigners with all your got um rolls uh .duct tape.

Make ole Henry a duct tape karate outfit.

Posted by Mike at 12:38 PM | Comments (1)

June 05, 2002

How would you look on South Park?

Build your own South Park character. Flash required.

I went for more of a mid-20's me, because the full beard accessories look weird.

dave as a south park character

Posted by mccreath at 07:49 PM | Comments (6)

Funny Email Every Day

I get an email message every day from the San Francisco Gate. One of their authors (Mark Morford) gives little synopses of stories that are published on the site, and invariably one of them makes me laugh out loud.

Here's a sample:

Bush Giggles, Squeals, Plays With Yo-Yo

An Air Force colonel has been suspended for writing a letter in which he called President Bush "a joke" and accused him of allowing the Sept. 11 attacks to happen because "his presidency was going nowhere." The letter from Lt. Col. Steve Butler was published May 26 in The (Monterey County) Herald. "He did nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism," Butler wrote. "His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama. His presidency was going nowhere. ... This guy is a joke." Butler has been suspended due to his deadly accuracy and his absolute correctness in the matter, but his superiors were apparently slightly disappointed that he failed to point out that Bush is merely a bumbling little puppet in Overlord Cheney's little war-drunk drama and while he is certainly a virulent danger to the progress of the human soul, Cheney is the true Dark Lord who actually sees all and controls all and strokes the hairless cat sitting in his lap very slowly and creepily while sucking pure ether from a tank and making a completely castrated Powell crawl around on all fours and bark like a dog.

Actual article

Subscribe here: SF Gate Morning Fix

Posted by mccreath at 06:26 PM | Comments (0)

martial arts for kids

hey dave L,

i wanna sign henry up for karate classes. can you recommend a good place? if not karate then one of those wussier martial arts.

Posted by Mike at 02:06 PM | Comments (2)

The Covers Project

Because everyone needs a hobby. And it's nice to share.

Posted by mccreath at 09:06 AM | Comments (0)


I'm in a delightful two day IS Summit to take more static pictures of dynamic processes, listen to people reiterate things that didn't need to be said in the first place, and generally do my best to keep my homicidal feelings in check. Please insert stupid things for me in my absence.

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 07:58 AM | Comments (1)

June 04, 2002

I know I post info from Harpers.org too often, but...

this little gem cannot go ignored. I will just quote the important stuff without bothering to post the link this time.


President Bush met with President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil and somehow thought to ask him: "Do you have blacks, too?" Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, interrupted the conversation and explained: "Mr. President, Brazil probably has more blacks than the USA. Some say it's the country with the most blacks outside Africa." Cardoso was later heard to say that Bush was still in a "learning phase."

Posted by David L at 03:37 PM | Comments (2)

Irish Curse Generator

An tInneall Mallachtaí - The Curse Engine

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 01:25 PM | Comments (1)

June 03, 2002

More safety! (or, Credit Where Credit is Due)

I found the guy that did the Recording Artist's Guide to Safety at the Beach comic. Please enjoy his other fine safety guides.

Posted by mccreath at 06:47 PM | Comments (1)

Presents For McDave

Let's all buy Katie and Dave a penguin!

Posted by Krayon Scribbel at 01:40 PM | Comments (7)

this should appeal to everyone here...

USBDT (20k image)


Posted by Lang Squal at 10:02 AM | Comments (1)

I Must Get Me Some!


Posted by Lang Squal at 09:34 AM | Comments (3)

June 01, 2002


No, really. It's a cool poetry site:


The site navigation is a little wonky (it's all in the pop-up menus), but some of the material is really cool.

This is from the "Early Visual Poetry" in the "Historical" section.

Wings of Eros - a visual poem from 1516 (29k image)

Simias Rhodius, "Wings of Eros" in Theocritus, Eidullia Theokritou Triakonta, 1516

Posted by mccreath at 03:27 PM | Comments (2)