Blog Security
posted by McFrozen on July 22, 2002
So I spent part of the weekend trying to figure out if there is a way to have an "authors-only" category, which would allow us to post stuff on the same blog without the general public being able to see it. I think it should be possible, and I have a feeling the answer is staring me in the face, but I haven't found it yet.
Our other option is to put a username and password on the entire site. You can see how that would work on my test blog. Username: Darby, password: Crash (case-sensitive).
It never occurred to me that you guys might not want your names plastered all over the internet. I've been working to get us listed on search engines (okay, not really hard, but some), not trying to obscure us. I just never thought about it. It's second nature to me at this point to try to draw attention to any web site that I set up.
When I finally get time to think about setting up some of the stuff we talked about back in December, I do want that to be public. I want that to get a lot of attention. Just so everybody knows.
Now, Mike's funnies below notwithstanding, there are documented cases of people losing their jobs over things they've posted on personal blogs, and I certainly don't want that to happen here. Nor do I want any of you to feel like you can't be as free as you want to post whatever you want. So if the password protection for the site as a whole would make anyone more comfortable, I can have it set up in a matter of minutes.
Please comment.
mike's funnies below?
yes, i know their shaped funny but i still don't like having them called that. a bit sensitive you know.
Posted by: dick at July 22, 2002 10:28 AM