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Fresh Fruit for Rotting Blogs

posted by Dick Septic on July 12, 2002

Hey, you bunch of old ladies. We need some fresh blood in this place, youknowhatimsayinnn'?
I'd like to nominate another damn Austin-based old man. Tom, you remember Colin, right?

Colin used to live in SF, but hated it. He's originally from Wisconsin.
My favorite Colin moment came when he walked into a snooty SF cheese shop in Noe Valley and asked them about cheeses from Wisconsin. They got all snooty about it. He was genuinely irritated cause he wanted some damn Wisconsin chedder and they didn't have it. It was a good moment of non-ironic irritation.

He also sings some of that austin folk music stuff. But we can forgive that seeing as we forgive Phil for all his goth crap and Tom for his DeLillo hard-on.

He has a dog named Atticus and a wife named Shelly. The dog's good pettin'.


Tracey just volunteered her favorite Colin quote:
Tracey: The people I work with are all nice, but none of then have a sense of humor.
Colin: But wouldn't living with Mike make everyone seem nice, and no one seem to have a sence of humor?

Posted by: dick at July 12, 2002 03:00 PM

Hey All-
I'm the new blood that Mike just introduced. This is the first invite-only club I've been sponsored to join (other than certain exclusive golf clubs - hey, no one here has a last name like Steinberg, do they ?) so please go easy. Anyway, yeah, the whole cheese story is true, mostly, though there might have been a little bit of irony involved. I think Mike's just trying to cover his ass because of the whole folk-singer thing. It's true, I'm one of those people who thinks Paul Westerberg's solo stuff is better than 90% of what he wrote while with the Mats. See, I'm already causin trouble.

Posted by: Colin at July 12, 2002 03:30 PM

Yeah, I remember Colin. He's the guy who told me I should get one of them Dot-Com jobs, and make some money. A few weeks later he was layed off, tail tucked between his legs, running back to Austin, and whining all the way about Wisconsin cheese. Yeah, sure, I know him.

(Hey Colin, good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well. Tell Shelly "hello.")

Posted by: Davel at July 12, 2002 06:26 PM

paul westerberg is still alive?
huh. trip on that.

Posted by: dick at July 12, 2002 07:50 PM

hey hey hey colin. i'm reemployed.

for now.

knock wood.

Posted by: ttk at July 13, 2002 10:36 AM

Sounds like everyone is okay with Colin. Does anyone else know anyone they'd like to bring in?

Posted by: mccreath at July 15, 2002 12:25 PM

Anyone with that strong of a love for cheese is OK by me!

Posted by: Hoyt at July 15, 2002 01:45 PM

phil's mom.

Posted by: dick at July 15, 2002 01:52 PM

scott steves unless he thinks we're all gay and he's too cool for it. which maybe we are. which maybe he is. but if he doesn't think that, he'd be a pretty good addition, i think.

Posted by: ttk at July 15, 2002 06:10 PM

scott steves is gay? i knew he was a little too "blonde".

Posted by: dick at July 15, 2002 08:20 PM

hey, what about chuck? that'll be fun. or even better, chuck's wife!

Posted by: dick at July 16, 2002 08:01 PM

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