Buncha damn geriatric punks

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July 8, 2002

grandpa and grandma rockin'

I got this a few days ago. After a few listens I've decided I like it. Adding Jim O'Rourke to the band was a damn good idea. He adds some new energy and some of those funky Gastr Del Sol beats. It sounds more like the EPs they've been putting out with the gay french names than the mediocre major-label stuff of late. Lee Ranaldo looks 100 years old on the pictures inside.

Posted by Richard Septic at July 8, 2002 2:56 PM

Replies: 3 comments

mike, yeah I like it too, better than NYC Songs and Stories or whatever the hell it was called, but I think if they stopped singing ALTOGETHER threw all their vocal mikes completey away and foreveafter become and instrumental/noise group, i'd love them that much more.

posted by lang on July 8, 2002 03:28 PM

beautiful cover foto dont you think?

posted by lang on July 8, 2002 03:29 PM

i like the cover photo.
i disagree with the signging comment phil. i actually enjoy thurston's voice. it's whiny, nasally and white boy. he always sounds like a stoned new york wise ass kid.
do NOT like kim's singing though; not since, like, sister i guess. the 'i'm a tough, bad ass chick routine has gotten old and stale. we got it, we got over it. it's forced now. she could take a page from the madonna book of keeping up (or keeping just one step behind.)
nys ghosts and stories suuuuUUUUUUuuuucked. i'm looking forward to some fresh stuff now that o'rourke's in the band.

posted by dick on July 8, 2002 09:37 PM

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