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Hey Dave Mc

posted by davel on July 26, 2002

Can you please explain "the dot" to me? I'm feeling stupid today, and don't want to do a lot of reading.l


It's part of a public-awareness campaign on behalf of a non-profit consortium who want to take responsibility for managing the .org TLD (top-level domain) as a public trust.

That means that they would run their own domain name server network (which would interoperate with the other dns networks) and a pile of other ubergeek stuff, but also that the .org TLD would actually be used for its intended purpose: providing a domain name space for non-profit organizations, the same way that the US government has control of the .gov TLD and each country has control of its TLD (.us for the US, .uk for the United Kingdom, etc.)

The reason that I put it on the banner is not so much because it has anything to do with us or this blog, but because one of the ways that Google ranks sites and decides where to place them in search results is by counting the number of inbound links that site has.

Posted by: mccreath at July 26, 2002 04:49 PM

ahhh, it's about fame.

Posted by: davel at July 26, 2002 04:56 PM

For them, not for us. Google is counting the links that they have to their site, and I just added one. You see? Gooooooood. I'm geeky.

Posted by: mccreath at July 26, 2002 06:00 PM

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