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Let's do a little monkey wrenching...

posted by davel on July 9, 2002

Everyone who is at work right now (this does not include the self employed) please take a moment to do one subversive act directed at your place of work. I have just turned the air-conditioning off at work. It's in the nineties today, which is the equivalent of a nuclear blast in SF. Let's watch the shoppers sweat (while I hide in the dairy case.)
Oh yeah, todays Mexican Fiesta day on the music selection.

Please report in with your activities and results.


You're my new hero! If I was in SF right now, I'd smuggle in some cooler beer and toast you on your genius!

Posted by: Hoyt at July 9, 2002 03:45 PM

i just sexually harassed my boss.

...oh wait, i work for myself.

HEY, this is a pretty good idea. let's do it again tomorrow.

Posted by: dick at July 9, 2002 07:25 PM

DL, this warms my heart! My main anti-work is just wasting time not working, looking at the www, walking around the bldg, etc. As for actual subversive activity, i'll get back to you later today..

Posted by: lang at July 10, 2002 08:57 AM

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