Someting new has been added!
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on July 17, 2002
Ok this weekend I joined the 90's and downloaded my first mp3s on our new home computer. I am connecting at 56k (probably less actually) and so a typical download of 7mb took about 20 - 25 minutes; I know y'all are laughing at the old man! My coworker has suggested I get a zip driver; he downloads here at work on our t3 connection to his zip, then takes the zip disks home. I won't be getting one of those anytime soon, I wouldn't know how to use it anyway! (If anyone of yall has an extry one layin around, being a doorstop etc, please send it to me!)
So anyhoo, my initial strategy i think is to download stuff i'd likely not spend money on, a la aesthetic meat front & more balloon music, or stuff i'd never find elsewhere, like velvet underground bootlegs, live meat puppets, etc.
I mention all this to yall just to get some advice, since im so not-knowing in this area. What are some good sites to find obscuro mp3s? and can i assume that most mp3 files will be free of viruss?
ps: Welcome Colin Whateveryournameis! I'm Phil, i'm everyone's favorite!
Posted by: lang at July 17, 2002 10:45 AM