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wha'happened to all today's posts?

posted by Dick Septic on July 11, 2002

wha'happened to all today's posts? Are we 'tidying up'? I didn't realize we were trying to be so neat and tidy.


I was just about to post an explanation.

Tom changed his username from "Tom" to "tom", which broke the author archive templates. I didn't realize that would happen or I would have warned about it. That's what cause the double commenting, although I'm not exactly sure how.

I think the only posts that are gone are two from Dave L that looked identical to me, and I didn't actually delete them. I just fixed the author archive templates, rebuilt the site and the two entries went away. Did something else get deleted that shouldn't have?

Posted by: mccreath at July 12, 2002 01:34 AM

i did THAT?

Posted by: ttk at July 12, 2002 07:24 AM

god damn it tom. you've got super powers.

Posted by: dick at July 12, 2002 09:20 AM

Tom's powers are awesome.

I actually did mean to tell you guys that if you want your username changed, we can do that pretty easily. If "David L" wants to be "davel" or Phil wants to be "Elvis", you can change that yourself, but if you do, you need to let me know so I can update the author pages.


Posted by: mccreath at July 12, 2002 12:50 PM

fine, fine.
what can you do about our penises?

Posted by: dick at July 12, 2002 10:34 PM

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