posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on September 17, 2002
I'm alone in the office, somebody post something nasty!
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on September 17, 2002
I'm alone in the office, somebody post something nasty!
Wow. I am truly awestricken. Oh to live in THAT world...
I had no idea i could puke SO MUCH!
Hoyt harshed the giant-robot-vagina-laser-mellow!
...and yet i could NOT stop looking at the feakin' thing. is that the burn mark left by the laser vag?
Arguably the best phrase I've heard all week. I will begin incorporating it into everyday conversation.
Where did you find the giant hentai babe picture?
Oh, it just came from some web site. I don't remember where it came from. Somewhere on the Internet.
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Posted by: mccreath at September 17, 2002 09:55 AM