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Happy Birthday Johnny Cash

posted by Krayon Scribbel on February 26, 2003

Check out his latest video, and take a solemn knee. I wonder how much longer we'll have the pleasure of his company...


I'm about to say something that might ignite a firestorm of controversy, but I'm real tired of Johnny Cash singing so-called "hip" or "modern" songs, and I'm of the opinion that he should have stopped at one Rick Rubin record. It did the job- put him squarely into the attention of "hipsters", people who should have been listening to him anyway.

But Johnny hocking crap like "Personal Jesus" or that gawd-awful U2 song just comes off as some sort of Johnny Cash Minstrel Show, ick!

Having said that, I'm interested in his cover of "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", so maybe I'm talking out me arse

Posted by: lang at March 3, 2003 09:55 AM

check out his cover of Nick Cave's Mercy Seat. MmmMmmgood.

Posted by: davel at March 3, 2003 10:58 AM

I agree that the "hipster" covers are getting a bit old, especially when he has such a wealth of great material. I will, however, condone his partnering with Rick Rubin in so far as Rick Rubin was the only person at the time who would put out a Johnny Cash record that Johnny Cash wanted to make, without elaborate instrumentation, etc. Johnny Cash goes into a lot more detail in his autobiography about how he'd been wanting to do this style of records for some time, but kept getting the idea shot down by the "big" record companies.
...Now then, what Johnny REALLY needs to cover is Harry Chapin's "Taxi".

Posted by: Hoyt at March 3, 2003 04:45 PM

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