2 geniuses disguss the war:
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on March 26, 2003
Stpl Rmvr: Do tell, how are things in America?
Hoyt: Fine by me! My new strategy, which you may borrow, is whenever anyone begins to discuss "THE W#R" with me, pro or con, I say "Bad touch!", and walk away from them. If nothing else, it leaves them completely confused, and best of all, they NEVER approach you again about it!
Stpl Rmvr: good strategy. that'd be cool if i could pee slices of bologna every time the war is mentioned, big round circles of it dropping out my pants legs everywhere, nice… and then, if the slices get stepped on, they scream. or sing the chorus of Little Surrey with the Fringe on Top your choice
Hoyt: Oh, Little Surrey! Little Surrey! Man, that's freakin' BEAUTIFUL!!!! (taking a knee for your genius)
Stpl Rmvr: hey, anything to stop the war!
Hoyt: I'd also accept a chorus of midgets, inhaling helium and playing tubas, singing "It's A Small World" while defiantly jumping up and down.
Stpl Rmvr: or what about midgets playing TAPS on their tubas while hiking cross country? Now THAT'D be a protest!
Hoyt: That reminds me, I need to learn to pee fire. It just seems like a good thing to be able to do, especially when camping.
Stpl Rmvr: right, or maybe each nad could be a spigget, one fire, one water (for putting out the previous nad-fire).
However, no matter how "natural" you claim that water is, I aint drinkin it!
Hoyt: Nad-Fire, an excellent heavy metal band name! Let's form it!!!
Stpl Rmvr: ok, but i don't want no fire inspecotrs pokin around you-know-where! not again anyway
Hoyt: I hear ya! They didn't even buy me flowers last time!!!
Stpl Rmvr: plus they left a scar, next to my piercing
Hoyt: I know, I can feel it!
It's like "Larry King Meets Alex Jones"!!! When's the movie coming out?
Posted by: Hoyt at March 26, 2003 01:20 PM