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More on Clear Channel

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on March 25, 2003

(formerly Lang Squal)


Here's what Clear Channel owned KVET is doing. I actually heard Sam and Bob speak out against the record demolition....

Posted by: Hoyt at March 25, 2003 11:07 AM

There's a Clear Channel rock format station up here (analagous to KLBJ in Austin) that has your standard obnoxious morning DJ pair. Mostly, they're just a couple of loud dumbasses, but in contrast to all the other morning drivetime dumbasses, they do have their funny moments, and they're both local boys; they weren't shipped in by Clear Channel.

But they're all over the war like flies on shit. Calling the peace activists dumbasses, raging against France, the whole nine yards. I have a small modicum of respect for these two because they have stated unpopular opinions on the air before and stood behind them to the point of getting taken off the air for a while before coming back with an apology from the station. So while I think their attitude toward the current situation is deplorable, it would be way worse if it was something they were doing because they were forced to to keep their jobs.

This whole thing is just so fucking stupid.

Posted by: mccreath at March 25, 2003 11:09 AM

Good for Sam and Bob. I'm really glad there some rednecks who get the point that the war shouldn't come at the expense of personal freedom and expression.

Posted by: mccreath at March 25, 2003 11:15 AM

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