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posted by kobayashi on March 20, 2003

when cheney said he thought it was in our best interest to open like a nuclear reactor per week for the next ten years? i wonder why he hasn't been talking so much about that lately.

also, has anyone else been noticing that haliburton has the contract to run the armies kuwati kitchens, put out oil well fires, and other stuff?

i hate that cheney bitch.


yeah apparently halliburton put in a 90 billion dollar bid to rebuild Iraq after we destroy it. Plus of course Cheney made a fortune after gulf war 1 by brokering the artillery thru halliburton. hey it's all free enterprise, that's why they hate us right?

in my dreams i see a sticker on every gas pump in Ameri-queda, banners across every freeway and billboard...

Kill our Troops. Keep Driving.

Posted by: lang at March 21, 2003 09:18 AM

oh yeah one more thing. you may or may not see me around, wearing a WWJD thingy on.. my secret protest/joke about a "peaceful" christian nation making war on a "terrorist regime"....

What would Jesus do? I don't think MAKE WAR or KILL HIS ENEMIES are the answers to that question..

Posted by: lang at March 21, 2003 02:31 PM

and one more thing goddammit, fuck all these "good" people who are quitting in protest, when their pressence in a powerful government office is what is needed the most right now.

i guess. i dunno. my diaper is wet now

Posted by: Lang at March 22, 2003 12:10 PM

ttk, since you & I are the only ones here right now, allow me to volley this link to you regarding the Cheny/Halliburton issue, if you've not seen it already

Posted by: lang squalor, dumb at March 22, 2003 12:44 PM

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