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I made a funny

posted by McFrozen on June 19, 2003




I don't get it.

Are you suggesting that the Incredible Hulk can't type his memoirs very fast? If so, why is that funny? Don't you think that the Hulk, and his pre-radiation host persona, Dr. Bruce Banner, have been through enough, without some pipsqueak like you besmirching the Hulk's typing skills? I suggest that you think about what you say before you go insulting one of America's most beloved, massively destructive anti-heros.

And don't even start on the She-Hulk. That chick is hot!

Posted by: langy squaly at June 19, 2003 12:44 PM

Speaking of She-Hulk, here's a site that asks the question:

What if She-Hulk was a tranny?

Not Safe For Work, by the way.

Posted by: mccreath at June 19, 2003 02:36 PM

mcreath, it's tru we think alike, because i spent the day looking at tranny, shemale, chix-with-dix sites too.

these green ones are the most beautiful creatures i've ever seen

Posted by: lang at June 19, 2003 06:31 PM

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