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Is this odd, or not?, pt.2

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on July 15, 2003

Clearly no-one seems interested in my Record of the Week posts. So, allow me to begin, with this second installment, a new weekly post called Is this odd or not?, which began accidentally last week with the reports of the baseball / sausage costume incident.

In Is this odd or not?, I will be posting things I have found that I am genuinely unsure whether they are odd, i.e. unusual, or if perhaps I am just misunderstanding these things. Maybe I’m just not seeing the bigger picture where in they are not odd, or I am just so removed from the “sub-culture” which produced them that I am baffled by something which those in the know take for granted. But enough explanation: and now, on with the show!

Is this odd, or not?

Bi-Sexual Pigeons

Sexuality Equal Soap

PFLAG fans, potholders, and Cookbooks

National Coming Out Day cd
(has tracks from Bob Mould, and Sam Harris from Star Seach)


Overall, I'd have to say the only thing that strikes me as odd is that someone decided to record Sam Harris post Star Search.

Posted by: Hoyt at July 15, 2003 04:33 PM

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