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Hey Kong! How's your Kongdom?

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on September 18, 2003


a glimmer of a shred of a mite of a spec of an atom of memory just dislodged from my tiny brain (such as it is), something I remember you talking about, I think it was a band you saw, or perhaps a fake band from the anals of You & Gibby & Paul:

The Againsters?

Something about, was it The Again-sters, or was it The Against-ers? Does any of this make sense to you?


Yes, they were two rival bands from the Kung Fu scene of San Antonio. The Againsters were against everything, while the Againsters played the same song over and over again.

Warm Drawf were a popular band, though others prefered Warmed Wharf.

And one day while Paul was playing his guitar it was realized that if Gibby died, Paul would be a Gibsonless Paul. But if Paul died, Gibby would be a Gibson Less Paul.

Posted by: kong at September 18, 2003 05:04 PM

wow, so many late night kung fu shows at that pharmacy has rattled my brain, thanks for the reminder

Posted by: m b at September 19, 2003 07:39 AM

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