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Re: RE-TG re:

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on September 8, 2003

First of all, our pal Genesis P, who has fueled several discussions here in our fair and balanced community, not only has a new and much better website, but has apparently also invented a third gender for hermself, to which I say right on to that!

But let’s get down to business:

and revisit the topic of the Throbbing Gristle reunion show in a serious way, i.e. as persons seriously considering attending this weekend event. [previous discussion link]
The tickets are sold not as individual general admission like your normal rock show, but as resort chalets, for 5, 6, and 7 occupants. The cost, in british pounds, for these chalets are £665, £798, and £931, respectively.

Now let us suppose that Kong, Matte, Icee McFreeze, Hoyt, and Dick Spetic all decide they want to go. The total cost, in dollars, for their chalet would be $1,054.55, or $210.91. That is entirely affordable it seems to me, and an amount that I could spend TODAY.

Of course there are other expenses, notably roundtrip tickets, passport, food, rail pass and/or other transportation. Another issue, if we continue or pretend playtime game of supposing that the above named are going, is that the full amount would need to be charged to one credit card. I for one could NOT charge this amount, but I wonder, are there any of you that could/would? Perhaps someone has a cc that would award them frequent flier miles equal to the dollar amount…I sure wish I did! I would gladly paypal any of you my portion of that amount at a moments notice.

Anyway, this seems “doable” or affordable I think, and it is my hope that by breaking it down this way, I could perhaps convince four of you to get as stupidly excited as I am about the whole RE~TG fiasco!

So... any takers?


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