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Items of absolutely no interest to anyone

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on April 21, 2004

I love, LOVE, the smell of shoe polish. Many has been the day when I will sit at the phone desk @ work, answering phones and sniffing shoe polish. I just sniffed some in the gift shop. Damn i love that. I also love certain rubber smells. The other day i was in the store and bought a plunger, because, you know, they moment i need one and dont have one, well, I would become upset. {DJ knows all about that, right DJ?} So anyway, the plunger is a thick black rubber thing, and damn if i dont have a little crush on it. I smelled that thing all the way home in the car - we all would like to see a film of that!- and because i havent used it yet for its intended purposes, i keep running into the br and huffing a snootfull of the black rubber. Hell maybe i need to buy one to use, and one to appreciate for its beauty and smell. Wait, I just thought of another use for it....so now i guess i need to buy TWO more

Unrelatedly, i also have a new second email address. I no longer use stickylegba@hellokitty.com because it was getting about 63 porn spams a day {thanks McICE!} so i decided to just abandon it. My new secret email address is

Thank you Hurst/Euless/Bedford, GOOD NIGHT!



I just huffed shoe polish with a peppermint in my mouth. Nothing is more divine or spiritual than that. I hope heaven smells like that..

Posted by: lindalavin at April 22, 2004 05:13 PM

I no longer use stickylegba@hellokitty.com because it was getting about 63 porn spams a day {thanks McICE!}

The quickest way to get on a spam list is to post your email address on a public web site. If you want to protect your new one, you might want to remove it from this page and post it in the Lounge.

Posted by: McFrozen at May 3, 2004 01:07 PM

Done and done! and there's a li'l treat for all lounge visitors

Posted by: sticky legba at May 4, 2004 12:21 AM

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