this came in an email from my mom.. enjoy
posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on April 28, 2004
"Now that is what I call a SPIDER!!
From someone stationed in Baghdad. He was recently bitten by a camel spider
which was hiding in his sleeping bag. I thought you'd like to see what a
camel spider looks like. It'll give you a better idea of what our troops
are dealing with. Enclosed is a picture of his friend holding up two
camelspider to scale
that photo's perspective makes them even worse than they are. in fact, though, these critters also live in new mexico and other southwestern states in the usa, and are known variously as windscorpions, sunscorpions, sunspiders, romans and beardcutters. they are not spiders or scorpions, really.
they are arachnids and are of the Order Solifugae. they have wicked looking chelicerae - those pincer things around their mouths, that they use to tear up their prey. good news is, they are so pronounced because they have to tear their prey - often termites or ants - because they don't have any venom glands or ways to produce toxins. the biggest they get is about 7 cm.
Posted by: tom, biology nerd. at April 28, 2004 12:18 PM