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I'm not the target audience

posted by McFrozen on July 2, 2004

I found this Starbucks ad today from a link that called it "great". And I suppose in some sense it might be considered "funny" or "amusing", but "great"? Really?

Go watch it (it's Quicktime) and then read the rest of the post.

So what I take away from that is that Starbucks Doubleshot espresso drink will give me the gumption to rise all the way to middle-management supervisor and make a terrible '80s hairband follow me around. That sucks. If I ever needed a reason not to give even more money to Starbucks, now I have it.

Or am I just feeling bitter and jaded?


Sadly, our pron blocker won't let me view it. A fun Starbucks game to play with your coworkers is to let them get down to the last sip of their drink, and then offhandedly mention that they just drank more calories than a Big Mac. Oddly enough, I find it a lot funnier than they do...

Posted by: Krayon Scribbel at July 2, 2004 11:42 AM

Stupid filters. Here ya go: I put a copy on our server.

Posted by: McFrozen at July 2, 2004 11:48 AM

I made it all the way to low-level retail managment without the help of any stinkin' Starbucks. Bah!

Posted by: davel at July 2, 2004 01:26 PM

That made my brain cry.

Posted by: Krayon Scribbel at July 2, 2004 04:15 PM

I know this world is not for me
and so I turn my back on it all
without regrets I leave it all behind
and cheer the news when it falls.

Posted by: Leather Nun at July 3, 2004 10:18 AM

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