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Watch the monkey get hurt, monkey!

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of the transexual art on September 8, 2004

Considering the minor hit by peter gabriel, Shock the Monkey, a mildly interesting, catchy song: what is it "about"? My limited knowledge of the lyrics makes me think that it might be a song about vivisection, and "our" complacent "acceptance" of it. or rather, the song is an indictment of "society's" complacency in the face of cruelty. Am i even close, or is it just a fun goofy little pop song with a catchy phrase & hook? Anybody got the lyrics?

And didn't he release the singe in German too? McFreeze, any german comments?


Yeah he put out a German version, I used to have both on cassette a million years ago if memory serves - I always thought it was on animal experimentation (and by analogy, manipulating humans, perhaps??)

Do a google search for 'shock monkey lyrics' and you will get dozens of results, try to click on a peter gabriel fan page site because if you click on one of the many general song lyrics sites your computer will be inundated with crippling adware...

Been meaning to write you: I have 12 CDs to burn for you (Coil + Lustmord) and you were gonna send me ten blanks I think? Wondering if you have any Alice Cooper on CD you could copy (basically, the first five albums are what I like, Love It to Death / Killer / Schools Out being the holy trinity of Alice records)...

Posted by: Ferrara at September 8, 2004 11:40 AM

hey! I have the very first two (Pretties for you, Easy Action) and Love it to Death, and Welcome to my Nightmare, that's it. i'll burn any/all of those for ya! MWAH!

Posted by: lank squalk at September 9, 2004 08:32 AM

okay, check your email...

Posted by: ferrara at September 9, 2004 02:18 PM

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