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School Talent Show Draws Secret Service

posted by McFrozen on November 12, 2004

Colorado Band Singing Dylan Song Seen as Threatening President Bush

What climate of fear?


"The band had at one point considered calling itself The TaliBand..." heh heh heh...

Posted by: ferrara at November 12, 2004 09:09 PM

BHS Mission Statement:

"Boulder High School will provide an academic and creative environment in which every person is valued as an individual, challenged as a learner, and inspired to contribute to society.

However, please be aware that the United States Government adheres to no such goals."

Posted by: langor squalid at November 17, 2004 05:24 PM

"These kids are being used to promote an extreme leftist point of view on the taxpayers' dime," Boulder resident James Lemons told KMGH.

"But thanks to our great President," Lemons continued, "a dime is all this public school will ever get from our state taxes!"

Posted by: lank squalk at November 17, 2004 05:29 PM

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