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writing assignment

posted by Lang' Squal', a student of the perverted arts on November 2, 2004

i'm giving myself a research project: the 25 most "evil" men/women in american history. Of course, EVIL is a religiously loaded term that i intend to define later. Roughly, define it as the activities (inaction counts as action) of a person that causes the most deaths, suffering, to people & animals, loss of property & livlihood.

Christopher Columbus, slave trader, should start out the list. I'll be thinking of this list while i go vote right now. what are yalls thoughts?


How are you defining "American History"? Do you want events that happened on American soil, regardless of person's origin? Or do you want Americans who have caused all those things? Or both.

For example, Timothy McVeigh, would be seem to be a shoo-in: The perpetrator was American, the victims were American, it happened on American soil.

But the World Trade Center attack is a little sketchier. That's probably the greatest number of Americans killed by people on American soil in a single event, but the perpetrators appear to have all been foreigners. (There's also the question of which one person gets the finger for that particular event.)

And then there's the whole Pauly Shore thing ...

Posted by: McFrozen at November 2, 2004 07:35 PM

im too fucking depressed to think about this right now (watching results)

Posted by: lang at November 2, 2004 08:46 PM

McFrozen said:
"That's probably the greatest number of Americans killed by people on American soil in a single event"

Not even close, my Canadian brother:
The Battle of Antietam claimed more than 23,000 men killed, wounded, and missing in one single day, September 17,1862.

Posted by: Dick Septic at November 2, 2004 09:33 PM

You're absolutely right, Dick, which makes my question even more confusing. How do we count the Civil War? Is there one person responsible for pushing the battle of Antietam to those extremes, and if so, is that evil? It was in service to the country.

Posted by: McFrozen at November 3, 2004 12:08 AM

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