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Yeah this is pretty important... like the Hindenburg crash, only not as funny

posted by Lang'uid Squal'or, a student of transexual arts on April 5, 2006

We stand, my young friends, on the apex, the cusp, the nadir, the verge, the threnody, the scallop, the limestone, the hotentot, the wombat, the mortgage, the silicone, of a new era, the likes of which no previous generation has been blissfully lucky to see come to fruition.

Remember.. “Whaazzzzaaaaaaaaaapp!!” ? Remember “How do you do? It’s a pleasure to meet you” ? These are greetings of sorts, exchanged between friendly people meeting each other for the first time, or alternately, when friends and acquaintences meet again and inquire upon each others’ good fortune.

Well, I have a new one. This new greeting can be used, should be used, in these contexts, and any other meeting between people. Please note the date and time this blog was composed, and also the date and time you encountered it, for little else this quarter-century shall impact your life- nor fulfill it- quite so completly. I humbly give you…

“You owe me twenty-five bucks!”

This fond exchange will be on the lips of all speaking people before the year 2006 has expired. You will hear it, and use it, for all manner of greeting, verbal exchange, well-wishing and condolence.

“Hey friend, you own me twenty-five bucks!” “No, you owe ME twenty-five bucks!” {they hug, high-five, shake hands, etc}

So you see children, it is not with frivolity or satire that I tell you, warn you: this is the changing of the times. The old “hello” is gone for good. The new “You owe me 25 bucks!” is here, shining in the new morning sun, trembling with anticipation.


Wow. The simplistic genius of it.....
Oh yes.
Count me in!

Posted by: Krayon Scribbel at April 6, 2006 11:50 AM

Y'all ALL owe me 25 bucks!

Posted by: Lang' Squal', ungodly buddha-flag waver at April 6, 2006 09:59 PM

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